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Skill #2: Communicate in writing in the professional world

Communication is at the heart of our lives, professional or personal. Being able to communicate in writing is a necessary skill in many professional sectors. It is therefore a transversal skill in the sense that it can be mobilized in different professional situations and concern several trades. Transmissions, note taking, support in the acts of daily life (writing letters, shopping list…), writing is part of the practice of home help professionals.

To work on skill # 2, start by viewing the introductory course below:

Then you have to work on the different levels. Each level is made up of courses and exercises allowing you to apply and take ownership of the course content. At the end of each level, a validation exercise will allow you to test your mastery of the contents covered and to access the next level.

At the end of the third level, a badge will be allocated to you, which will testify to the success of the activities proposed in this sequence.

Good navigation and good luck!