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Skill #12: Adapt your action to unforeseen circumstances


In order to guarantee the quality of care and the safety of the beneficiaries, this sequence aims to make you aware of the importance of an appropriate posture in unusual or even emergency situations. As this skill only makes sense in a situation, the contents of the four levels propose to illustrate the posture to be adopted by examples of unforeseen situations encountered at home.

Thus, it is composed of four levels that progressively address elements related to hazard management, from the simple identification of a hazard or problem (level 1) to the adoption of a preventive attitude that avoids the occurrence of a difficulty (level 4). The expectations for each level are as follows:


Level 1 : « identify and report a problem»


  • Identify and characterise a problem or dysfunction;
  • Describe the difficulty identified;
  • Identify the contact person to solve the problem.


Level 2 : « adapt their behaviour in unusual situations»


  • React appropriately according to the difficulty identified by considering a set of solutions to the situation and choosing the most appropriate one.


Level 3 : « make proposals for adjustments to the problem»


  • Acting in an emergency situation;
  • Act so as not to aggravate.


Level 4 : « adopt a preventive stance with regard to the risks identified»
  • Anticipate the occurrence of a problem or difficulty.
  • Suggest and implement adjustments to improve the work environment before the difficulty occurs.


At each level, a validation exercise will measure the ability to react in context and move on to the next level.  At the end of the last level, you will be given a badge, which will testify to the success of the activities proposed in this sequence dedicated to hazard management.

Good navigation and good luck!