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Skill 3, Path 1 : Combining different operations 2

Remember your mission: estimate the budget needed to cover the services of the various stakeholders as well as the purchase of Mr. Louis’ drugs.

Here is a reminder of the expenses to be expected

– The doctor visits the home twice a week. Each visit is charged at €32.00
–  Mr. Louis received a prescription for 15 physiotherapy sessions.
The total cost to be expected for physiotherapy is 720 euros for the 15 sessions but he must pay for his sessions each week.

The physiotherapist suggested that he attend 3 sessions a week.
– At the hospital, he was told that the examination he had to do during the week would cost him 80.00€  but that he could be reimbursed 20% by his insurance later.
– For the treatment , the hospital prescribed him:
. painkillers
. anti-inflammatory drugs
. a contrast liquid to drink before the examination (to be purchased in advance at the pharmacy)
. 1 box of antibiotics
. 3 boxes of 20 sterile compresses of 6 cm x 6 cm.
– He also needs (at the request of his attending physician)
. 6 vials of vitamin D;
. 1 box of calcium
. probiotics